Hello welcome to my blog, and I am here again serving for you!! Zoinks!
Today I will share my card combos, not just combos but it is ZOINKSTYLE COMBOS!! Most of these are basics, but some basics are fundamentals to achieve your goal later on. Zoinkstyle Combo is basically not an stressful where in one duelist tends to wait up to 3 hours just to make his/her play. Today I shall teach you a stressless combos in which it is not an autopilot, just a good amalgamation of your mind and your cards. Zoinks!
The name is Bishbaalkin A Road To Chaos MAX!!! Zoinkstyle!! Zoinks!
( Zoinkschro: Wait dude the name doesn't make sense when a you add Dragon Core Accursed!!)
( Zoinks: Oh yeah, my fault. So we're gonna change the name to Accursed Bishbaalkin A Road To Chaos MAX!!!)
( Zoinkschro: Legit.!)
( Zoinks: Before we start let me introduce to you... Zoinkschro, he is my version in the synchro dimension. Without further introductions let's start the shall we,)
( Zoinkschro: Let's do this!)
Combo Explanation:
When Phantasmal Lord Ultimitl Bishbaalkin is special summoned, you can special summon as many tokens as possible with an ATK of 0 and DEF of 0 in defense position.(Zoinkschro: Notice that it is not considered as a synchro summon, you will just send them to the graveyard). What a coincidence? Chaos Max can pierce damage and double the damage. It will have your opponent lose LP for about 8K. Yeah basically this is an OTK deck but it is not that auto pilot. Zoinkrageous!
Protection Explanation:
Bishbaalkin can't be destroyed by card effects. Chaos MAX can't be targeted and can't be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. That is two for the bosses but how about the minions? Well let's add these cards below:
Gospel for summoning purpose and it protect your dragons from danger that can cause you by your opponent. Dragon Ka for backrow purpose it destroys some of your opponent's cancerous cards such as solemn's and Anti-Spell Fragrance. This gives you a shield and an additional move to step forward against your opponent. And this gives you a bait on whatever your opponent might use against you. Remember that Dragon Ka and Gospel can force your opponent to lose resources. Zoinksplendid!
Consistency Wise Explanation:
They said that running OTK decks or Dragons has less consistency over the years. It only gives you a less chance to do something on the future or some certain occasions, I guess the idea of that is indeed subjective to the point this deck doesn't give a proper exposure. Here are some cards that you need to add to attain the Zoinkstyle Combo! Zoinks!
You certainly needs the back of Manju and Advanced Ritual Art. Manju is the searcher for Chaos Max and ARA. While ARA on the other hand is the summoning and the dumper of monsters from the deck to the grave. It gives you double purpose in setting up your combos and meaning why you are using her as a ritual cost at the first place. Remember the Accursed is Level 8 Monster and a Tuner. Zoinks!
While some of your friends are on the graveyard. don't hesitate to make a call from them. Swing of Memories calls out your bravest friends same as Silver's Cry you can summon any normal dragon type. And Gospel is one that increases these cards consistency. Calling Accursed and other Blue-Eyes Dragons. Zoinks!
Just when you thought that your mates are on the shipwreck, you're undeniably wrong. These 3 cards are essential to the deck. Dragon Shrine provides as a semi-searcher support to put those who are slacking into the shipwreck. Melody of the Awakening Dragon is an alarm to those who are sleeping in their rooms, with the help of White Stone of Ancients. It can also, gives you the chance to search and summons Blue Eyes in a single bout. Nice basics. Zoinks!
Trade-In a two-way process to consistency level. Alternative is both a material for summoning Bishbaalki and a destruction to your opponent. It is usable and a free summon just reveal one of his cousins. Too bad I have no Alternative because it's too expensive right now. Zoinks!
That are the basics fellow duelist. It gives you a quick beat and a fast guarantee summoning. This deck has a lesser stress. Suggestion to run on long tournaments even in major leagues. it's fun it's easy to use and it's effective. And there you have it ladies and gentleman, I hope this gives you an idea or annoyance. If this helps you let me know, and if not just tell me other stuffs I need to know. Ideas are all open. Have a great day duelist! Zoinkstyle! Zoinks!
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